6 research outputs found

    Floating License Management - Automation Using Web Technologies

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    This paper examines the use of distributed computing based on web services with application to floating license management. The main goal is to automate the processes pertaining to the management activities and ensure at the same time that the security and flexibility requirements are met. We present the challenges posed by these requirements, propose a design and some implementation aspects using the latest .NET development platform

    Posture and Vertebral Pathology Issues in Dental Practice

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    Both posture and professional movement in a dental office are shaping the behaviour of the musculoskeletal system, particularly the spine. Two different postural methods are commonly used by dental practitioners, including sitting and standing postures. While sitting is considered as ergonomic, the standing position is considered non-ergonomic, with significant consequences on vertebral structures. Objectives: to realize a complex analysis of the disco-vertebral and muscular pathology in relation with either orthostatic or sitting posture in the real life dental practice. Materials and methods: prospective observational trial on 142 dentists classified into groups based on the predominant position during medical activity, either orthostatic or sitting on ergonomic chair. Results: there is no ideal working posture for the dentist; both orthostatic and sitting position with three subtypes (ischiatic, ischio-femoral, ischio-sacral support) result in significant spine morbidity, meaning an increased number of degenerative disco-vertebral pathology identified clinically (local or irradiated pain, restriction of mobility, impaired tolerance for standing position) and imagistic (X-rays, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging). Conclusion: It is widely promoted the recurrent alternation of posture in dental practice and an ergonomic attitude at the workplace. An individualized, strictly monitored kinetic activity is mandatory for both prevention and management of static and dynamic spine abnormalities due to repetitive postural stress in dental practice


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    The TMJ exam represents a main stage in clinical examination of each patient, especially in temporomandibular desorder. Usually the clinical examination in dentistry is concentrated in oral aria, TMJ is examed just when the patients acuse simptoms. In a few minutes we can diagnose completely and corectly all problems of oro-facial system following a standard protocol

    Computer Application for the Evaluation of the Dento-Somato-Facial Aesthetic Balance

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    DSF (Dento-Stomato-Facial) Aesthetic Software is an application that focuses on aesthetic evaluation based on the following inter-related directions: body aesthetics, dental-facial aesthetics, dento-gingival aesthetics, dental-dental aesthetic and dental aesthetics. The application employs different images processing technics and the modern .net development platform. The application contributes to a better identification and use of the dento-facial and somatic aesthetic evaluation criteria. The software can display all the determined measurements or only those which diverge from the normal ones. The final reports can be presented either superimposed on the patient picture showing the deviated segments or on a standard image from the software library which can be also access at any time though the help function. Although the application can reveal the deviated values from the normal ones, thus pointing towards a diagnostic, the final interpretation however belongs to the dentist. The practitioner will establish the final diagnostic by correlating the data obtained from the computer application with that from clinical and paraclinical evaluation which is necessary for a complete and complex approach of the case


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    The purpose of the study was to evaluate the 5-year survival rate and the eventual reason of failure of fixed dental prostheses (FDPs) without long-term maintenance after intraoral insertion. 427 patients were subjected to our study. They did not receive any maintenance after the insertion of FDPs between 2005 and 2008. The patients were treated at the Prosthodontics Clinic, Dental School֞Grigore. T. Popa֞ University from Iasi, Romania. The subjects were contacted by letter or telephone to be asked for their participation. There were investigated parameters concerning oral hygiene status; abutment teeth; FDPs success / survival / complication and failure rate. The survival rate of the FDPs was 58% and the failure rate was 42% with a functional period of 5,4 years. The FDPs required retreatment at the time of examination, indicating 85% of the complication rate and 14,5% of the success rate. From the 3161 analyzed abutment teeth, 64 were extracted and from this resulted a 10% failure rate. The most common reasons for the complications were periodontal disease, loss of retention, endodontic treatments, decays, poor marginal adaptation and fracture of FPDs. The abutment teeth and fixed dental prostheses without clinical maintenance had many periodontal problems due to the dental plaque. The fatigue-mechanism could be advocated as the main factor for the failure of all-ceramic crowns


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    Aim of the study.The aim of our study was to evaluate complications and primary failures of fixed metal ceramic bridge prostheses made by dental students. Material and methods.We studied 50 patients (22 women, 28 men, mean age 49 years, range 28–73 years) treated during 4 years. Data were collected from the patient files. Altogether 82 bridges were made. Results.Seven teeth were extracted due to complication and/or failure during endodontic treatment and root canal perforation during preparation. In two cases the abutment tooth was fractured by removing the old crown.Four unsuccessful bridges were remade and in seven cases the firing of porcelain was renewed. Conclusions.The study concludes that most common failures of fixed metal ceramic bridges made by dental students occur during root canal preparation of abutment teet